Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Aurora and I are writing stories now. Here is her story about Dot. We were unable to use any letters with dots (so i and j). These are ideas are from the book Unjournaling.


Dot was small. She had a dog. Dot dreamed about her dog. The dog was also small. The dog was black and brown. Her name was Spot.
Dot would take her to the park and they would run. And when they went to the park they saw some one they knew. Her name was Grace. Grace was tall, so Dot had to stretch her neck so she could see Grace. Grace was at the dog park and had her dog Sammy.
Spot and Sammy were best mates. So they would run and have fun.
Grace and Dot would play all day. They loved the teeter -totter. But when Dot and Grace left to go home the dogs were sad. Everybody had a great day at the park!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Royal Bonds

Long before Princess BeeBee met the Dark Prince, she grew up in a family of royalty. There was her parents, the King and Queen. And then there were her younger siblings, the other Princes and Princesses. There was Prince Bug, Prince Pic, Princess Alice, and Princess Boo. These are the adventures of The Royal Bonds!

When Princess BeeBee was a small Princess, the Royal Bonds lived in a large, brown, hot desert. It is very different from the green land that you know so well. But in this brown desert there is a zoo full of Lions, and Tigers, and Bears (oh my!). One Saturday, the King woke Princess BeeBee up early and told her to get dressed and get her hair brushed and her shoes on, but to be quiet- they didn't want to wake up Prince Bug or Prince Pic. So quickly and quietly Princess BeeBee got ready and quietly she went down the stairs. Princess BeeBee quickly kissed the Queen and out the door she went with the King. At the zoo, Princess BeeBee saw lots of interesting animals. She really liked the flamingos because they were pink and of course that was Princess BeeBee's favorite color. The King and the Princess spent a lot of time at the zoo. And before they left, Princess BeeBee made sure to find something for her brothers. I don't know what she did get them, but it was really cool I'm sure. Princess BeeBee never forgot how loved she felt the day the King took her to the zoo.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Wedding

Months passed and the day finally arrived! Princess BeeBee and the Dark Prince were getting married!
That morning, Princess BeeBee was so excited! She couldn't wait to see her Prince! Princess BeeBee's friends and family quickly helped her get ready and off they went! Princess BeeBee was so happy to see the Dark Prince that morning. She wanted to cry she was so happy, but that would ruin her makeup and she didn't want that. The morning was full of picture taking, laughing and smiling. Finally, it was time for Princess BeeBee and the Dark Prince to enter the Holy Temple. It was so beatiful inside the Holy Temple and for a while, Princess BeeBee and the Dark Prince were able to sit in the most beatiful room and talk about how they were going to be married and begin a new life.
Finally Princess BeeBee and the Dark Prince were taken into another room and there they were pronounced husband and wife for all of eternity. Nothing could describe how happy Princess BeeBee was at that moment. Surrounding the couple were family that loved them both very much, everybody was smiling and happy. It was a happy day for both families. But it was a wonderful day Princess BeeBee and the Dark Prince!
And they lived Happily Ever After.

COMING SOON: The Adventures of the Royal Bonds

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Proposal

A couple of months had flown by and Princess BeeBee and the Dark Prince were in love. But the time would soon come that Princess BeeBee had to leave for a little while so that she could go to school. She didn't know what she would do without the Dark Prince. She was going to miss him so much! As time flew by, Princess BeeBee realized she never wanted to be without the Dark Prince, that she wanted to be with him for forever.
One night, as Princess BeeBee was preparing for her date with the Dark Prince when she had a knock at her door. It was Princess B! Princess BeeBee was very confused until Princess B handed her a note. It was from the Dark Prince! In it were clues on how to find him. He was waiting for her someplace special and she had to find him. So Princess BeeBee and Princess B drove all over the land full of trees, visiting spots that were special to Princess BeeBee and the Dark Prince until finally, Princess B dropped Princess BeeBee off at a little city called Lawrenceville.
There in Lawrenceville, was a gazeebo with lights strewn all over. And waiting for Princess BeeBee was the Dark Prince. The Dark Prince and Princess BeeBee went and danced under this gazeebo for a while, listening to imaginary music.
"This is perfect", said Princess BeeBee.
"Not quite yet", said the Dark Prince. And at that point, the Dark Prince knelt down on one knee and asked Princess BeeBee if she would marry him. Princess BeeBee wanted nothing more than to marry the Dark Prince. She was so happy she just kept saying "Yes" and crying. That night was one of the many happiest nights Princess BeeBee spent with the Dark Prince.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Kiss

After the horse ride, Princess BeeBee and the Black Prince were hardly ever seen apart. They would spend all their time talking to each other and being with each other.
One day, Princess BeeBee took her two little sisters, Princess Alice and Princess Boo to a park. They played and had fun, but starting on the way home, the two sisters started bickering and that drove Princess BeeBee crazy. She was not happy, the bickering and arguing would not stop. By the time the Black Prince picked Princess BeeBee up for their date, she was very grumpy. But the Black Prince said "Calm down, it will be okay", opened the door of the carriage for her to get in, and kissed her. Princess BeeBee wasn't expecting it, but she sure was happy he had kissed her.
That night, the couple went to the bookstore and read lots of books together and talked. They talked and talked and talked. That's when Princess BeeBee realized that she was in love and that she would do anything to be with the Black Prince.
Princess BeeBee knew that the Black Prince would be moving to a large desert by the end of the year for 18 months. She didn't want to see him leave. But she knew that he wouldn't be gone for too long and that they could visit each other once in a while. Little did she know that that plan would soon change.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Part 2

After the Black Prince dropped Princess BeeBee off after the ball, Princess BeeBee couldn't stop thinking about him. She was so excited to see him the next day. Even more excited when he asked her if she wanted to go for a ride on his black horse. Of course she wanted to go with him!
Through out the week, the Black Prince and Princess BeeBee talked almost each day. Finally it was time for the horse ride.
Princess BeeBee was nervous. She had never ridden on the back of a horse with anybody before. But once they started on the ride, she had a blast! They rode for a long time until they found a little town in the mountains. They stopped to look at the scenery, eat lunch, even play on a playground. You may think the Prince and Princess were too old to be playing on the swings, but nobody is ever too old to be on a swingset.
After playing on the playground, the Prince and Princess decided to go get dinner. It was a very romantic Italian dinner with lots of good food.
Princess BeeBee was sad to see the Black Prince leave that night, but was so excited to see him again very soon.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Adventures of Princess BeeBee and The Black Prince

Once upon a time in land full of trees, flowers, and streams lived a beautiful princess. This princess, who we'll call Princess BeeBee loved to dance and sing everywhere she went. One day, she was invited to a Ball very far away. She was so excited! But she didn't have a prince to take her, so she asked her friends for help. Unfortunately, everybody seemed too busy and Princess BeeBee was unsure what to do- the ball was only a couple of days away! But then, one day her best friend Princess B suggested she ask the Black Prince. Princess BeeBee had only talked to the Black Prince a couple of times and didn't know him very well, but thought she would ask anyways. Much to Princess BeeBee's suprise, the Black Prince said yes.
The night of the Ball was finally here! Princess BeeBee was so excited and so nervous. How should she act around the Black Prince? Would she say something stupid? What should she talk about? But when the Black Prince picked Princess BeeBee up in his carriage, Princess BeeBee relaxed and was able to just be herself.
The Prince and Princess were able to dance away the night that night and had so much fun. They talked and laughed and the Princess soon realized that the only reason he was called the Black Prince was because he just liked wearing the color black and rode a black horse. Princess BeeBee was so glad she asked the Black Prince to come to the ball with her.